Friday 11 May 2012

Having fun at lunch time

Emma and Ben from room 9 came to our class at lunchtime for a blogging session. This turned out to be a lot of fun. After being inspired by room 3's 'blog baby' the guys along with Lincoln and Jacob explored voki to create Bananas the monkey. Now we just need to learn to put it into our gadgets... next weeks learning guys


  1. you know, werever you move the mouse next to the blog baby, the blog baby's head moves to
    michael visser

    1. good observation Michael, I didn't notice that before

  2. It was awesome! To make a voki,go goggle,then tipe in Voki and when done click New acount then make one and link it to your website!
    You can make any sort suchas an dog to a giraffe!
    Do it tooo...

  3. Banana the monkey is cool
